Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
08/13 - Recovering Joy: “Even If…”
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
NOTE #1: I'm trying a new filter that removes long pauses during the sermon; please let me know if you find it useful or not.
NOTE #2: Dur to copyright restrictions I cannot post the song that I sang at that end of the sermoon, but I can link to the original artist on Youtube (who, let's face it, sings it WAY better). Here it is - EVEN IF
Recovering Joy: “Even If…”
Daniel 3:13-18; Romans 8:35-37
- Postscript from last week: "conquer evil by doing good" (from Romans 12)
- Hatred and violence always spread, always intensify, always claim lives in the absence of the love of Christ that dares us to love and care for our enemies. What happened in Virginia yesterday was the escalation of hate.
- We are told to "bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.... [To] never pay back evil with more evil.... [but to] do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." Dear Lord, let it be!
- Old Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego...
- The Story
- Unwilling to bow to an idol (of the state!)
- Thrown into a furnace
- Unharmed, with another walking in the fire with them!
- Their great statement of courage summed up in "even if He does not"
- An acknowledgement that the flames sometimes consume the followers of God
- Something we only understand by analogy, as we compare the trials of life to storms on seas that Jesus calms, or fires in furnaces that He makes safe
- We pray for the deliverance, but cannot escape the "even if"
- Paul in Romans, and "More than Conquers"
- Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ
- Also implied, nothing that happens to us proves that Christ doesn't love us
- Martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel is explicitly mentioned
- Remember, Paul watched approvingly while Steven was stones to death
- But in this we are "more than conquers" having "overwhelming victory?"
- What is going on here?
- What is going on here?
- An exercise, and experience of, Joy
- Joy as defined last week:
- A glimpse of the eternal which places a longing in your heart more fulfilling than any earthly pleasure or satisfaction, that leaves within us a firm conviction of the temporary, limited nature of this world
- The amazing truth: sometimes the very pain or sorrow or fear or uncertainty we experience causes Joy to rise up within us
- Before he was stoned, Steven saw "the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God’s right hand!" (Acts 7:56)
- While in jail Paul and Silas sang, and the earth shook and the cell door was opened (Acts 16:16-40)
- Why is that? Because in our broken (fallen) condition, when we have found health and wealth and security, that is when we start to forget about God, that is when we start to lose our Joy
- The ancient Christians had an actual good theological approach to suffering: it drew us closer to Christ, remade us more in His image
- That doesn't mean we like it! (If we do, there's something wrong!)
- That doesn't mean we deserved it! (Sometimes just the opposite!)
- This means that when we face suffering or uncertainty, we turn first to God, face it with as much courage as we can, lean on one another for support, pray for God's deliverance, but have the firm conviction that EVEN IF things go the way we dread, that God has something beautiful waiting for us on the other side of the trial!
- The ancient Christians had an actual good theological approach to suffering: it drew us closer to Christ, remade us more in His image
- Joy as defined last week:
- Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ
- The Story
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
08/06 _Recovering Joy, Conquering Evil
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Recovering Joy: Conquering Evil
Romans 12:9-21
- Today is busy, so let us...
- ...set up a series on JOY
- ...and make one starting suggestion about it
- Are we lacking in JOY?
- As Americans we must be, as we are:
- frustrated and angry
- hooked on our addictions
- is not "getting high" an attempt to counterfeit joy?
- But as Christians, JOY is our birthright!
- Not talking about happiness or pleasure
- my (our) experience...
- S. Lewis wrote of "...an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction. I call it Joy, which... must be sharply distinguished both from Happiness and Pleasure. Joy (in my sense) has indeed one characteristic, and one only, in common with them; the fact that anyone who has experienced it will want it again... I doubt whether anyone who has tasted it would ever, if both were in his power, exchange it for all the pleasures in the world. But then Joy is never in our power...”
- It is a longing that is a promise. It reveals the shallowness of pleasure, and the transience of happiness. Neither the pursuit of happiness nor of pleasure will lead to a life of fulfillment as the pursuit of JOY will.
- So when we speak on things that kill our JOY and how to fight against them, realize that an increase in happiness is only a pleasant side-effect.
- Paul's "Scattershot" Advice (vv. 9-16)...
- 9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. - Love the sinner, hate the sin?
- 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. - Don't get jealous, irritable, petty...
- 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. - The protestant work ethic?
- 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. - Keep things in perspective; maybe touches on JOY
- 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. - Be the Good Samaritans!
- 14 Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. - This point soon to be expanded...
- 15 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. - Meet people where they are.
- 16 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! - This from an ex-Pharisee!?!
- ...And One Targeted Joy-Killer: The Urge to Hit Back (vv. 17-21)
- Don't seek payback (v17), but live peaceful lives (v18).
- Let go of revenge and let God deal justly, for His anger is always just (v19):
- Can God be angry and just?
- Is anger towards the abuser of a child morally just? Yes
- Are we perfect in our administration of justice without vengeance? No
- "Pay back" good for evil, and maybe lead to a change of heart (v20)
- And here's the BIG point in verse 21:
- Evil is done to you; let's say someone hits you. Your natural reaction is to "hit back," sometimes with justice, sometimes with overwhelming force so that they will never even think of hitting you again!
- And you think that by doing this good has triumphed over evil?
- But Paul's implication is this: the evil was in them, but if you seek vengeance, now it is in you! The violence has been (at least) doubled.
- Now don't avoid the point by talking about national policy and wartime actions, this is on the level of personal interactions. This is about the person who cheated you out of a promotion at work, so you let drop what you know or suspect about their office romance and get them fired, and break up their family.
- If we really want to conquer evil, we must conquer that temptation within ourselves. And we do that by doing the good that is often so hard to do.
- Even in our imaginations of "man, if I could get away with it, I would _________!!!" Maybe especially there. Because the real battle that is fought for Joy in our lives is fought not in our circumstances, but in our hearts!
- Evil is done to you; let's say someone hits you. Your natural reaction is to "hit back," sometimes with justice, sometimes with overwhelming force so that they will never even think of hitting you again!
- Can God be angry and just?
- As Americans we must be, as we are:
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
07/30 - Our Hope and Strength
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Our Hope and Strength
Romans 8:22-23, 26-30
Yes, an obvious allusion to a recent birth this week, but...
- Let's get real, here.
- Deep questions:
- Have you, as a Christian, ever felt like you could not bring yourself to _______? Have you felt your strength was failing because you were empty of _______ for the future? Have you ever thought to yourself, "life has to be more than this!" Have you asked yourself, "Where has my joy gone?"
- Maybe there is an easy answer.
- Loss of loved ones? Financial instability? Health problems?
- Maybe you are described by the bumper sticker, "If you are far from God, guess who moved?" Maybe distraction, pride, overwork, etc. have taken your time from God. Maybe you've not gotten serious with Him in a while, or ever.
- Or maybe it is something more....
- v23a "And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering."
- v23a "And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering."
- There is something wrong in the West
- In the 1800's a war broke out between the two foundations of our civilization: Jerusalem and Athens, a.k.a. Faith and Reason
- 1st front, the "Higher Criticism" of the Bible assumed God's absence in the formation of Scripture; 2nd front, Darwin's theory of evolution assumed God's absence in the formation of the natural world
- At the same historical moment, around one hundred years after the formation of the Methodist movement and the American Revolution, God was removed (in elite opinion) from the Book of Scripture and the Book of Nature
- "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3 (NIV)
- And now we are as a culture divided between those searching desperately for any firm foundation for life, and those who feel their foundations are under constant threat of erosion
- And by "foundations" I mean the BIG ones, like "does life have meaning?" and "does anything I do make a difference?"
- For the Christian, the meaning is found in God, and His assurance that in Christ we can make an eternal difference in our lives and the lives of others
- The "best" post-Christian answer our thinkers could come up with was to say that we should defy the meaninglessness of life by choosing and implementing our own purpose. Does that sound sufficient?
- Even if you've never heard that idea expressed, you are being evangelized by it. Or by the idea that life is about pleasures, or power, or that "whoever dies with the most toys wins." Does any of that sound sufficient?
- Eventually some come around to the idea that this life is about helping others. Well guess where that came from?
- Here's the Good News
- There is more than this life:
- v23a: Yes, we and all of creation are groaning, waiting to be released from the struggle against sin (the struggle to determine and do the right thing) & the every day reality of suffering!
- v23b: But we are also said to "wait with eager hope!"
- The happiest Christians have always seemed (to me) to be those living this life with heaven in view!
- (b/c there's more than this life,)There is more to this life:
- v26-30: And the Holy Spirit within us takes our frustrations and pain and delivers them to the Father. And through the Son we have this promise that everything we do and endure is "pregnant" with meaning and purpose, even (especially!) when it seems random or vindictive.
- v26-30: And the Holy Spirit within us takes our frustrations and pain and delivers them to the Father. And through the Son we have this promise that everything we do and endure is "pregnant" with meaning and purpose, even (especially!) when it seems random or vindictive.
- Our Calling in this time and place:
- We have a responsibility to get serious with God, and change course when hindered by:
- distraction, pride, overwork, etc.
- We are asked to join together, to support each other in times of :
- loss, distress, financial instability, health issues
- We are ambassadors to a broken and hurting generation, with a message of a meaningful life now, and a glorious life to come
- We are called by God to be the Good Samaritan, to see the wounded, and offer them healing, and in so doing find an eternal purpose to our actions as we become God's hands and feet. (And often find our own healing through focusing on others.)
- We are called by God to be His hands in this world, with our feet are planted firmly in the next, to let His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, reminding ourselves and each other that our Hope and Strength is found in Him.
- Psalms 46:1-4a (Geneva Bible, 1560)
- We have a responsibility to get serious with God, and change course when hindered by:
- There is more than this life:
- In the 1800's a war broke out between the two foundations of our civilization: Jerusalem and Athens, a.k.a. Faith and Reason
- Deep questions:
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
07/23 - Go and Do Likewise
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Go and Do Likewise
Luke 10:25-37
- Now get it right!
- Simpler times...
- How many of us remember this from our childhood? "It's a beautiful day in this _____________,..."
- Those were the days when I might say, "Excuse me. Can I go outside now?" And English teachers (and experts in grammar) would reply: "Not can I go outside. May I go outside." Didn't you then just want to use a double negative in their presence.
- A Persnickety Theologian
- "An expert in the Law" asked Jesus a question. Now this could have been someone who loved to talk theology. But I have a feeling he was the persnickety kind of theologian.
- "We were really lucky!" "No, we were really blessed!"
- Or "For God so loved the world that God gave God's one and only... son."
- He wanted it precise!
- "An expert in the Law" asked Jesus a question. Now this could have been someone who loved to talk theology. But I have a feeling he was the persnickety kind of theologian.
- Answering the Question
- The question itself: "Who is my neighbor?" Where are the boundaries of where I show concern? I can't love everybody, can I? That would be exhausting!
- We insulate ourselves (and sometimes it is necessary!) by grouping those we can and can not afford to think or care about.
- But "they are not like us" removes sympathy. The most dangerous time for a group or category of persons is when they are designated "not really persons" like "us."
- : Many Amerindian tribes called themselves "People."
- The example:
- 1st man cared about no one other than himself, his time, his wealth, and his ceremonial sanctity.
- 2nd man might have helped if he recognized him (sacrificing time, wealth, and sanctity).
- 3rd man helped knowing this was a person from outside his "neighborhood."
- The answer:
- Every human being is our neighbor. Every one, as all are made in the image of God.
- Sometimes love is extravagant, sometimes love must be tough, but love is to be shown to all.
- Answering the Motivation
- The question behind the question: "Doesn't 'loving my neighbor' conflict with 'loving God' sometimes?"
- The first Love is all about loving the real, the true, and the living God, but we as broken people often try to define ourselves by what (and who) we are against. So how can you be my neighbor if you're on another team?
- : Jesus in hot water for healing on the Sabbath.
- Expert wanted to prove to himself he was spiritually doing well. So Jesus told him a parable about doing good, instead.
- The first Love is all about loving the real, the true, and the living God, but we as broken people often try to define ourselves by what (and who) we are against. So how can you be my neighbor if you're on another team?
- The example:
- In the parable the Priest and the Levite, who are both expected to be the holiest among the Jews, take the least holy actions by trying to preserve their holiness (cleanness).
- It is the person from "a different team" who has an imperfect understanding of God who takes actions pleasing to God.
- The answer:
- The priest and Levite (and Expert) are being spiritually selfish, as they are most concerned about preserving their own sanctity
- Jesus directs the expert to an outward focus
- What it Means for Us
- Are we exhausted by the brokenness we see around us?
- It's thrown in our face every time we read a paper or watch the news, so much that we might despair of making a dent in it.
- "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 NIV
- In the parable, the Samaritan "happened" by. He was there. The need was before him. He was local. And he made a difference in the traveler's life.
- Are we inwardly focused? Fear based?
- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." 9:10a
- "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love." 1 John 4:18 NRSV
- Must we regularly and honestly examine our relationship with God to see if it is healthy? Must we live in a fear that stunts our love of others and paralyzes us with the danger of doing the wrong thing? No
- Must we always remember that God is Love, and listen for His prompting for where we can pour His love out on others?
- You betcha.
- Go thou and do likewise!
- Are we exhausted by the brokenness we see around us?
- The question behind the question: "Doesn't 'loving my neighbor' conflict with 'loving God' sometimes?"
- The question itself: "Who is my neighbor?" Where are the boundaries of where I show concern? I can't love everybody, can I? That would be exhausting!
- Simpler times...
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
07/16 - Sharing the Stories
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Sharing the Stories
Psalm 145:3-7 (verse 3 cut off)
"3 Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!
No one can measure his greatness...."
- Why we do the things we do...
- "Vacation" Bible School = A LOT of effort!
- An over-used phrase: "you planted a seed"
- "6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work." - 1 Cor 3:6-8 NLT
- What are the seeds?
- Holy actions done in Christ's name that make memories
- ...and STORIES of the Good News of God's Love in Christ
- Old and New Testaments, and personal testimonies
- The Purpose of Church
- Filling ourselves with sacred stories to have the Mind of Christ
- Preparing ourselves for and facilitating ministries of service, so that we act as the Body of Christ
- Praising and worshiping (loving!) God, culminating in that Great Day in which we all rest from our labors and worship in His Presence
- Back to the Basics today...
- In our songs and confessions we have worshipped...
- In our participation and donation we have served
- Now let us share remember the stories...
- One Life Story, one Short Story, and one Parable (and how to read them)
- With EVERY story we are called to not just gather information, but to place ourselves in the story, see ourselves in its people
- A Life Story: Abraham's Journey of Faith
- Called by God Have I had a vision that others could not see?
- Along with his wife... Have I ever had to trust in another's plans, praying they're not deluded?
- failed to trust God Have I ever struggled to trust God, or tried to fulfill God's promise through my methods?
- Lot took the better fields. Have I ever been taken advantage of; have I taken advantage of another's good nature?
- Yet Abraham argued with God to preserve Lot's life. Have I prayed for a friend who betrayed me?
- Isaac is born, Ishmael and Hagar are cast out. Have I been betrayed, or the betrayer?
- God tests Abraham Have I trusted God in times of disappointment and anger?
- A Short Story: David and Goliath
- Goliath mocked Israel. Have I faced an impossible task?
- David could not believe it. Have I ever seen something others have missed, that seems so clear to I but to no others. Have I been impatient with another unjustly?
- When David offered to fight, king Saul gave David his own armor, but it just weighed David down. Have I been weighed down by others expectations of how things should be done? Or find myself saying, "but this is the way we've always done this!"
- One slingshot, and one stone to goliath's forehead, was all it took. In a moment of crisis, have I trusted God, and been delivered? Have I ever thought, "If I had trusted God, that might have been me!"
- Saul would soon become jealous of David. Have I done the right thing, won the victory, and been punished for it?
- A Parable: The Good Samaritan
- “Who is my neighbor?” Have I justified my behavior?
- “A Jewish man was attacked." Have I been injured by life?
- “A priest came along and passed him by. A Temple assistant walked over but also passed by." Have I seen others ignore my pain. Have I been to busy to see the pain of others?
- “A Samaritan came along, and felt compassion for him." Have I given extravagant mercy and grace, as was given to me?
- “Now go and do the same.” Have I heard the words of Jesus, and let them change me?
- Making the Stories Ours
- Wow preacher, I could have done that!
- But are we doing it? And not just on Sunday or during VBS...
- What are we?
- Someone has said we are the sum of what we've done (our memories). We are more than that!
- But there is something to learn here about the Gospel:
- If it is our memories that shape us
- and our memories are the pieces of our story
- then taking God's story into our heart shapes us into reflections of Him
- Let Us Make His Story Ours!!
- Wow preacher, I could have done that!
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
07/09 - Who Are You Pulling For
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Who are you Pulling for?
Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30
- Pulled in two ways?
- An old-time plow...
- Some of you may have had this experience (growing rare)
- For first-century Jews, it was instantly relatable
- The Weight of the Yoke
- To rabbis, the "yoke" was their teaching (the Yoke of Law)
- Jesus called them out on having too heavy a yoke (uselessly burdensome teaching) [Luke 11:46]...and countered that His yoke was light and restful [Matthew 11:29]
- Pulling the Pharisees' yoke (judgmental legalism) steals the joy out of life and weighs you down.
- If we're not joyful in Christ, if our burdens are wearing us out, we may have become yoked to something other than Him, because He has taken a LOT of the load...
- The Direction we are Traveling (Matthew 11:16-19)
- "Pull" of "this generation" is always shifting: 17 ‘We played wedding songs, and you didn’t dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn’t mourn.’
- And doesn't guarantee acceptance: 18 "For John didn’t spend his time eating and drinking, and you say, ‘He’s possessed by a demon.’ 19a The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He’s a glutton and a drunkard,... "
- If we are just living for the latest fad or social issue or professional goal, we won't have a clear purpose or direction. Where is the meaning in life?
- Even if you get "to the top" in this world (pay scale, power, fame), most everyone will just wait to see you fall.
- You want meaning, take Christ's yoke and let Him lead you!
- How to "take His yoke" upon us?
- Attach yourself to Christ
- Using marriage as a metaphor (following Paul's usage):
- it shouldn't begin w/o knowing the other well, and doesn't last w/o constant effort
- The Weight of Knowledge = learning His character, thoughts, and goals
- Reading, listening to bible, sneak it in during the day
- podcasts, sermons (yes, you can do a lot of this yourself)
- Constant, Directed Effort = being aware if distance is creeping in, if you are pulling in different directions
- That often takes OTHERS
- Marriage example: talking with family & friends (in confidence) who are committed to helping your relationship work, who help us understand ourselves and the other person better
- In walking with Christ, find persons who you believe have a close walk with Him (don't just ask your BFFs); they see from a different perspective
- CHURCH: We've got to do better at providing a SAFE PLACE to do this!!!
- Be wary of:
- Pulls in incompatible directions
- One (and perhaps the only) genius line of the SW prequels: "You're going somewhere I can't follow!"
- External (lots of voices calling) and Internal (and lots of broken inclinations)
- : we're like shopping carts with a wonky wheel...
- A bad understanding of the goal
- Nonreligious example: "Marriages are disposable and kids easily adapt."
- Religious ex: "We're at church for what we get out of it."
- Pulling for (& with) Christ
- Marriage Metaphor concluded: Over the years if all goes right...
- You know each others thoughts (finish other's sentences)
- You exchange and merge behaviors
- Sometimes you even start to look more alike
- Others cannot think of one of you without thinking of both
- And this is an excellent example for Christ's teaching:
- At the end of the day, do I want to look more like this fractured world, or more like Jesus?
- Don't I want to KNOW the God who made me?
- What is a more fulfilling path? More meaningful? More consequential & lasting?
- "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope." Jeremiah 29:11
- Marriage Metaphor concluded: Over the years if all goes right...
- Pulls in incompatible directions
- That often takes OTHERS
- Using marriage as a metaphor (following Paul's usage):
- Attach yourself to Christ
- An old-time plow...
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
06/18 - Representing the Father
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Representing the Father
Psalm 103:8-17
- Happy Father's Day!
- Today gentlemen, we celebrate and reflect on your contributions to the family, past, present and future
- In truth, today is a bit more "complicated" than Mother's Day
- Best summed up by looking at dads in our most popular shows...
- Men & fathers have taken it on the chin in popular opinion, and the rules for how to assess your worth have changed
- used to be being a wise provider
- now "father knows least"
- If we view fathers as unnecessary, we pay a high price:
- While no single child is destined for a bad outcome, kids from fatherless homes have it rough...
- And yet God chose to reveal Himself as Father!
- God is not male. Adam alone was not a full reflection of the divine image
- But God is our Father, and as an earthly father your children are looking for a reflection of the Heavenly Father in you. That is a high calling!
- We VALUE you! You are "Abba" to someone, as God is "Abba" to you. That is the divine intention of God...
- Today gentlemen, we celebrate and reflect on your contributions to the family, past, present and future
- The Character of a Godly Father
- Steadfast Love = love that endures all efforts to repel it
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a - The Love Passage
- Luke 15:11-32 - The Father of the Prodigal Son
- Moral Courage = determination to choose that which is necessary and right even when it is hard
- Hebrews 12:7; Colossians 3:21 - Discipline yet do not frustrate
- Matthew 8:5-13 - A Roman Commander Has Faith (and Humility)
- True Heroism = placing others' needs and safety before your own
- Hebrews 12:1-4
- 1 Corinthians 8 (esp vs. 9,11-12)
- Philippians 2:5-8
- The final ingredient: Faith(fulness):
- Philippians 2:9-11
- Our relationship with The Father:
- A study from Switzerland around 2000...
- "...If a father does not go to church...only one child in 50 will become a regular worshipper. ... If a father goes irregularly, between a half and two-thirds of their offspring will come to church regularly or occasionally. ... If a father does go regularly, between two-thirds and three-quarters of their children will become churchgoers (regular and irregular).
- Men, if a relationship with God is important to you, and your devotion to God is genuine, God will be important to your kids, all other things being equal.
- Moving the ball further down the field of "getting it right"
- I'm not perfect, but I took the best parts of my Dad's example and try to add my best along with it, with God's help.
- tl/dr: Men, no matter how insecure as a Father you may feel, if you show faith, hope & love, if you show up, and if you do your best to move the ball a little further down the field of getting it right, you're doing well.
- Steadfast Love = love that endures all efforts to repel it
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
06/04 - Homecoming 2017 with Rev. Jerry Seely
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
We were honored today to have Jerry Seely and family among us at Concord's Homecoming! The service, the fellowship, and the food were great! Thank you, Reverend Seely, for ministering to us this day!
I was born January 26, 1951 in Tucson, Arizona. I am a triplet, two boys and one girl. My father, Wayne Seely, was a career Air Force Man, having served during WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. My early life was one of moving to different Air Force Bases. I lived in Tucson, AZ, Boise, ID, Salina, KS, Austin, TX, Grand Forks, ND and Merced, CA. After my dad retired in 1966 we moved to the Springfield, MO area. I graduated from high school in 1969. I met my spouse to be, Billie Woodruff, and we married later that year. We have been married 48 years and have four grown children, Bobby Seely, Darlene Seely, Micah Seely, and Brooke Arnold. We also have 8 grandchildren.
In 1972 I received the call to ministry. Following Lay Speaker Training I began the local pastor course of study. In 1973 I enrolled in Southwest Missouri State University and completed my B.A. Degree in May 1977. In August 1977 I began theological studies at Candler School of Theology and graduated with my M.Div. in June 1980. I attended the Naval War College in 1991 receiving a master’s degree in National Defense and Strategic Studies.
My ministry in the local church began as a student pastor at Fordland UMC and Pleasant Hill UMC 1974-1977. I arrived at Concord UMC as a student pastor in June 1977 and returned to the Missouri Conference in Dec 1979. From Dec 1979 until Oct 1981 I served the Bois D’Arc and Ellwood United Methodist Churches in the Springfield District, Springfield, Missouri.
My Navy Chaplaincy Career began in October 1981 until I retired in Oct 2011. During those 30 years I served aboard Navy Ships, had three tours of duty with the United States Marine Corps, served with Navy Seabees, and duty overseas in Okinawa, Japan, Pohang, Korea, Brisbane, Australia, and Pattaya, Thailand. Shore assignments included duty in Hawaii, Alaska, Florida, California, Rhode Island, Virginia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Billie and I have been retired since 2011 and enjoy traveling in our RV, playing golf, enjoying our grandchildren, and hanging out at the beach. God has richly blessed us along life’s journey.
Tuesday May 30, 2017
05/28 - Whom Shall God Send
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Whom Shall God Send
Acts 1:1-11
- The Conclusion of Easter
- This time in the Christian calendar reminds us:
- Jesus was appearing for 40 days to His disciples
- Ash Wednesday - 40 days of Lent - Holy Week - Easter
- 40 Days of Easter - Ascension Sunday
- The resurrection & ascension: two parts of the same the same event
- ...Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. - Romans 8:34b (NLT)
- Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. - Hebrews 12:2b (NLT)
- This is worth our time, as God's plan is revealed...
- Those God Chose to Send
- The crowd = the Apostles = not the most mature of believers!
- Peter flip-flopping & denying; Sons of Thunder; John just a kid
- After the Mt of Transfiguration: "Then his disciples began arguing about which of them was the greatest." Luke 9:46
- At the Last Supper, after Jesus says one will betray Him, "The disciples began to ask each other which of them would ever do such a thing. Then they began to argue among themselves about who would be the greatest among them." Luke 22:23-24
- I'm surprised Jesus never said, "Ok, children!" Jesus had to have a LOT of patience!
- The Divine Plan
- v6 "So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”" (Easter was amazing! NOW what will you do?)
- v8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
- What is God's Plan? Hey, Apostles, God's plan is you!
- Were they possibly intimidated??
- Were they possibly intimidated??
- The crowd = the Apostles = not the most mature of believers!
- This time in the Christian calendar reminds us:
- A Time of Parting
- Jesus was ascending to Heaven, and sending them into the world...
- Who here has sent a child out into the world? And fretted?
- You always hope they'll be safe.
- You hope they can handle things you won't be there to fix!
- And you hope they won't forget everything you taught them!
- And as children, do you remember the excitement of being on your own, and the nervousness at being on your own?
- Going to college, getting a job
- Going into military service...
- Maybe you've heard or said words like these: "This is a big step! I know it's big. I know it's scary. I know. But you know that I am here. I've got your back. Remember what I taught you. Do your best. You're stronger than you know. You've got this. I believe in you, kiddo." That also sounds like something God would say to us!
- God's Plan Hasn't Changed!
- For nearly 2,000 years God has worked through His people as they ACT as Christ's Body, led by the Holy Spirit
- When we talk about "seeking God's plan," we're talking about the details! The broad brush of God's Plan is already known!
- What is God's Plan for healing a broken world? You are!!!
- Look around you....! Maybe take a selfie...
- Are you possibly intimidated???
- "How can I help heal a broken world? I'm broken too!"
- We are broken healers offering the grace of a wounded Healer to each other. In other words, we are the Church, the Body of Christ!
- So, what or who in your life needs healing? Maybe you've been praying for this person or this situation of a long time, hoping God will send the right person. Maybe it's time to consider if God already has done so, in you!
- But what can I do, Lord? I can't handle this!
- "This is a big step! I know it's big. I know it's scary. I know. But you know that I am here. I've got your back. Remember what I taught you. Do your best. You're stronger than you know. You've got this. I believe in you, my child."
- Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!”"
- For nearly 2,000 years God has worked through His people as they ACT as Christ's Body, led by the Holy Spirit
Tuesday May 23, 2017
05/21 - Common Ground on Mars Hill
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Common Ground on Mars Hill
Acts 17:22-31
- Changing Times, Changing Settings
- Ever felt like a duck-out-of-water?
- Entertainment loves this theme
- So many movies & TV shows
- So many life experiences
- New school, new job, meeting the SO's family
- What if you found yourself at a concert with weird music?...
- How do we handle these moments?
- Building bridges & finding connections (looking for common ground)
- Paul at Mars Hill
- Paul, while highly educated and a Roman citizen by birth, was the duck-out-of-water Beverly Hillbilly in this setting and among these people
- He preached in a way not recorded elsewhere
- While some have said it was a "bad sermon" because he didn't confront them with the Gospel in all its fullness, it would not have been included in Scripture if is wasn't intended to teach us
- Paul was intentionally taking a step back from the things he & the Jews took for granted, and finding common ground.
- A Hard but Necessary Work
- A skill we are in danger of losing
- Modern life allows us to connect with only those people who rarely disagree with us. You can be easily "friended" and "unfriended" on Facebook. If the news report angers you, change the channel.
- Now people have falling-outs. Paul and Barnabas. Desi & Lucy
- This happens in business, in marriage, in a nation...
- When this happens, the prescription both in psychology and scripture is the same: reconciliation... in other words, finding where you can stand with each other, building a bridge, recovering the common ground
- For someone who is about to give a presentation to strangers (or preach a sermon), the first order of business is to find common ground!
- Jesus did this with His parables. Preachers still do this...
- Jesus did this with His parables. Preachers still do this...
- How does Paul handle this?
- Here is our Common Ground:
- v22: "I see you are very religious!"
- Remember how the KJV goes here? "Ye are too superstitious!" An insult, not a compliment. Why?
- Europe's "Wars of Religion" - 16th & 17th centuries
- When was the KJV translated? 1611
- Paul finds the common ground: "I will reveal to you the unknown, true God that you have built this alter for."
- Remember how the KJV goes here? "Ye are too superstitious!" An insult, not a compliment. Why?
- v26 "God made us all from one," so we are all brothers of the same Father.
- v27 "He made us to seek Him," and here are examples of their own thinkers who say things like this.
- v22: "I see you are very religious!"
- Now will you walk with me to here?
- v28 "But He made us; we should not try to make God in our preferred images." He does not soft-pedal their differences.
- v30-31 "God doesn't hold you responsible for not knowing, but now you are hearing about God's son, and God calls you to turn to His mercy before the time of judgment."
- v31 We've got excellent reasons for our position.
- Our world is changing. We now have to work harder to find common ground. We have to work harder to not let ourselves be pulled into an increasingly combative and reactive culture.
- What is solid that we hold on to? For the Christian, the solid ground is the teachings and the Person of Jesus Christ. Not necessarily styles and forms...
- And did that music make you uncomfortable earlier? Guess what, it was written and performed by a Christian, who sings about our the common ground of human brokenness. My favorite excerpts: "You are surrounding all my surroundings... And now I'm holding onto You!"
- See 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Matthew 22:36-40
- Here is our Common Ground:
- Entertainment loves this theme
- Ever felt like a duck-out-of-water?